  • INCS is the successor of Royal Indian Naval Canteen Service which was originally managed by Service personnel with the help of few civilian employees. After independence Indian Naval Canteen Service (INCS) was temporarily established as per Navy Instruction (NI) 60/ 1947 and was subsequently made permanent vide NI 14/1975. The Chapter 28 of the Regulations for the Navy, 1991 (Regs Navy) authorizes INCS to operate coffee/ tea/ coco bars, ice cream bars, soda fountains, food stalls, hair dressings, boot repairs, tailoring and private trading generally.
  • INCS provides daily-use products to Defence personnel, their families, including ex-servicemen and civilians paid from Defence Estimates and to IN Ships and Establishments. INCS outlets are URCs (Unit Run Canteens) wherein they primarily source their stores from CSD depots. INCS also procures items that are not available through CSD from local markets and make them available to its beneficiaries at rates cheaper than market.
  • INCS Organization currently operates six canteens in the Navy situated at Mumbai, Kochi, Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Goa and Karwar.


  • To provide its customers a pleasant shopping experience with a wide choice of products in hygienic and comfortable surroundings. It aims to run INCS as a professional and financially viable organization with happy and motivated staff. It will endeavor to leverage technology and customer-friendly opportunities to develop INCS as most trusted and preferred shopping destination for its patrons.